Ann Boland

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“Cape May” by Chip Cheek, Celadon Books, 2019

The review, by trusted resource Sam Sacks in The Wall Street Journal, was magnetic.

“Suddenly the innocent couple, who still say their prayers before going to bed, are ushered into a world of idle wealth, dissipation and, inescapably, adultery.”

Set in the gin swilling 50’s, this is just what we need for a good summer read.

And a good, quick read it is. Cheek’s writing style is beguiling and undemonstrative. Yes, there are many sex scenes--titillating, but not lewd. Best of all, there is no moralizing, no redemptive ending. Cape May is Cheek’s debut novel. If he heeds the feedback, his future novels will also be concise and entertaining.

Recommended for readers who like to intersperse “serious” books with well-written entertainment.